Teepee Collection
At Last! A Homeschool Course Designed With My Exceptional Child In Mind!
Does your tween or teen learn differently?
Do you long for a way to channel your inquisitive child’s creativity and energy?
Does this create conflict or anxiety for you?
If you recognize your child in any of these descriptions below, you’ve landed at the right place.
- My creative daughter, a hands-on learner, likes to do projects, but projects are so much work
- My 11-year-old struggles with dyslexia or ADHD
- I feel like a failure because teaching this child overwhelms me
- My 15-year-old is a twice-exceptional (2e) learner
- I don’t have time to keep up with my 2e child
- My middle-schooler needs a holistic, connected approach to learning
- Will my child ever be able to work independently?
- I have a houseful of kids. How can I meet my gifted child’s needs?
- I feel like I’m not doing enough to help my son/daughter
- I wish there was a program that could help my inquisitive yet challenging young teen
You don’t have to be anxious anymore! Why?
You’re about to meet Grammy B, creator of an extraordinary new online program for children just like yours.
Grammy B wants you to know:
I get your child.
I was your child.
I homeschooled THREE children just like your child!
And now I’m a grammy who’s offering to teach to your student's strengths and capture that beautiful spirit of creativity and delight. I know how to bring out the best in your exceptional tween or teen.
Through this unparalleled program, your 11- to 15 year-old student will
- Learn from Grammy B, a veteran homeschooler who engages, models, and guides every step of the way
- Be a part of a close-knit group who work together to build a business
- Grow their ability to work effectively as part of a team
- Experience an immersive, multidimensional, face-to-face program
- Receive a comprehensive course that connects math, science, history, social studies, economics, art, and literature together through learning a hands-on, real-life skill
Watch this video to learn more about this engaging program for your unique learner.
Part 1 - Meet Grammy B and learn why she created this course
As introduced by Grammy B, BrimWood Academy Is Your Solution!
What is BrimWood Academy?
BrimWood Academy is an online interactive program that provides a Project-Based Learning (PBL) 30-Week course that covers most of your student’s educational needs for the entire school year.
What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)?

PBL is an education method that nurtures the interest and engages the students through cooperative, student-driven learning.
PBL motivates students to solve personally meaningful, real-life challenges that engage critical thinking.
PBL is a proven method for helping exceptional, creative, curious children maximize their educational potential.
Studies show that PBL is an excellent learning method. Dr. Kerry Speziale of MIDA Learning Technologies says..."The research consistently showed that students taught through PBL displayed:
- enhanced student performance
- increased student motivation and engagement
- improved teacher/student interaction
- Increased development of the 4 C's of 21st Century Learning; creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.”
In addition, experience in PBL can enhance a college application or job resume showing real-world experience in business, finance, problem-solving, and teamwork.
Why is BrimWood Academy Unique?
BrimWood Academy teaches PBL through the personal mentorship of Grammy B. Sixteen kids will:
- Earn certificates for work accomplished, concepts learned, and skills mastered, rather than grades
Acquire hands-on skill and robust academic knowledge while cultivating lasting character qualities
- Integrate all subjects essential to discover solutions for our PBL question "How can we partner as a tribe to build a Teepee Manufacturing Company that makes our world a better place?"
- Learn both teamwork and entrepreneurship to market their products to earn an income

How can this course be integrated into the homeschool setting?
Scheduling commitments for the 30 weeks contained in this course includes:
- Spending one full afternoon live with Grammy B and the whole class where students engage in dialogue, do projects, watch one another’s presentations, give and receive feedback, showcase work, and review the week’s assignments
- Working collaboratively in their small group (approximately one to two hours per week)
- Listening to a Grammy B weekly Read-Aloud podcast and providing student reflections or responses
- Researching essential knowledge content from library books, assigned web-pages and personal interviews
- Spending 2 1/2 hours per week in various aspects of honing teepee-making craft
- Using essential hands-on math exercises to create custom teepees
- “Office hours” with Grammy B available 1 hour/week for student questions
Optional Language Arts Component
An optional language arts component is also available. These writing lessons are assigned by Grammy B. They take approximately 1 1/2 hours per week and may be incorporated into your chosen language arts curriculum.
“Grammy B and the Teepee” is BrimWood Academy’s first of a future collection of PBL courses

Why a teepee?
Teepee creation is part of the historic American story--and an important heritage skill. Early Native American Plains Indians crafted and lived in their “mobile homes,” which enabled them to roam with the buffalo.
A teepee is the perfect project to teach to a student who is brand-new to sewing (and it’s way more interesting than sewing a potholder!).
Why sewing? Aren’t there easier ways to build a teepee?

Once part of the fabric of American home life, sewing skills have all but vanished in a single generation. This traditional skill should not be lost.
Sewing is a craft, and honing a craft provides excellent opportunities for both boys and girls to build character. Competency requires practice and following instructions. A student must persevere to the project’s end and exercise patience in the face of setbacks. Because students make various kinds and sizes of teepees during the year, sewing teepees must become a practice. The things we practice shape our character.

"I would be delighted to help you and your son or daughter have the best homeschool year ever." -- Grammy B.
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